Co-written by Ryan Erke.

Genre: One-hour action comedy

When an upstart team of wannabe "heroes" is recruited to form a superpowered police unit, they find dealing with office politics, public perception, and fighting crime by the book just as daunting as their struggle to become the heroes they already believe themselves to be. BROOKLYN NINE-NINE meets THE AVENGERS.

Contest Placements:

2013 - Second Rounder, Austin Film Festival TV Competition

2007 - Quarterfinalist, Scriptapalooza TV

2007 - Quarterfinalist, Slamdance TV Competition

Co-written by Ryan Erke

Genre: One-hour dramedy

A thirty-something socialite psychiatrist plagued by missed opportunities for the good life discovers that when she dreams, her consciousness travels to alternate versions of herself where she can live out the lives she could have had…until she realizes her actions while asleep have unforeseen and often hilarious consequences in her waking world. SEX AND THE CITY meets QUANTUM LEAP.

Currently in development.